Nature Responsible Safari

Things to Know Before Travelling to Tanzania

Traveling can be all that, What i mean by that is that traveling can be a lot of things, especially when is your first time visiting a certain country you need to know everything before travelling to a certain country so you don’t have to second-guess anything so that everything can go well.

This guide will give you detailed information about things to know before travelling to Tanzania


Welcome to Tanzania! The land of Safaris

Things to Know before Travelling to Tanzania

1: Plan your Tanzania safari trip

First, you have already picked the destination, which is Tanzania, so I think you know about Tanzania or have already heard about it. You don’t need to know a lot, but you just need to know what Tanzania offers, like the biggest and most famous safari destination, Zanzibar Island.

When planning a Tanzania safari trip, you need to have a mind on

What do I need to go and explore in Tanzania? Purpose of your Safari

How many days do I need to spend on this trip?

What is my budget?

2: Pick the perfect itineray

This is the most amazing part where you already know you will have 7 days, 4 days, and 6 days in Tanzania so you have to pick the best itinerary Nature Responsible Safari has the best itineraries and you can talk to a travel consultant to guide you through.

Talk to a Travel consultant to guide you

3: When do you want to visit Tanzania?

One of the most popular questions you need to ask yourself is: when do you want to visit if you don’t know? read our guide on When to Visit Tanzania 

When you have clear understanding of when you want to visit Tanzania keep it in Mind Tanzania is great throughout the year is just depends on what you see each month.

4: Decide and Book your Safari

If you worked on all of that now is the decision of deciding and book your safari. For the rest contact Nature Responsible Safari our travel consultant will help you with that.

5: What to pack?

Now you have finally booked your safari package and it is months before the day arrives you have to know what to pack


  1. Lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and pants for sun protection
  2. T-shirts for warmer days
  3. a fleece jacket or sweater for cooler evenings.
  4. Lightweight rain jacket or poncho.
  5. Wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for sun protection.
  6. Sturdy, comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots
  7. Sandals or flip-flops for leisure time at your accommodation
  8. Swimsuit (if your lodge or camp has a pool).
  9. Socks and underwear.
  10. Sleepwear.

NB: Colored clothes such as Red are not needed; pack only nature-type colours green, grey, white, brown, and also black with others

Safari Gear:

  1.   Binoculars for wildlife viewing
  2. Camera with extra batteries and memory cards.
  3. Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries.
  4. Power bank to charge electronics.
  5. Travel pillow for long drives.
  6. Small daypack for carrying essentials during game drives.

Health and personal items:

  1. Prescription medications and a basic first aid kit.
  2. Insect repellent with DEET
  3. Sunscreen with a high SPF rating.
  4. Hand sanitizer.
  5. Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.).
  6. Toilet paper (in case it’s not available at remote locations).
  7. Wet wipes or hand sanitizer are recommended for quick cleanups.

Documents and money:

  1. passport and visa (required).
  2. Travel insurance documents. 
  3. Cash (small denominations) for tips, snacks, and purchases in local markets
Madam Shelen
Madam Shelen

Don't pack up a lot of things just get yourself, not too many stuff pack things which are usable and efficient.

6: Get a Vaccination

Travelers planning to visit Tanzania should ensure they are up to date with routine vaccinations and consider some additional vaccines for added protection. 

Read about what vaccination you need to get before travelling to Tanzania

7: Tanzania Visa

Tanzania visa information and requirements may vary depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit.

Read More about Tanzania Visa Information

8: Book Your Flight

All international flights are typically booked directly by the travelers themselves. We are here to provide you with valuable information and guidance to ensure you arrive at your desired location seamlessly. The airport which you will arrive and pick you up according to your itinerary.